| 1. | And morgan stanley reckons there could be further to go 并且摩根士丹利预计还将有更大的上升空间。 |
| 2. | I think luther still has upside 我觉得海德也有上升空间。 |
| 3. | This bank note should be right still , can continue hold , still should have 20 % ascendant spaces 这只票应该还不错,可以继续持有,应该还有20 %上升空间。 |
| 4. | But there still appears to be room for values to rise , provided global credit markets do not seize up 而且,只要信用市场不收紧,日本的房地产看起来还有不少上升空间。 |
| 5. | Other economists agree that the dollar has more room to rise , but are not convinced it ' s going to parity 另外一些经济学家也认为加币还有上升空间,但不认为会与美元同值。 |
| 6. | As more money flows into an investment category , prices rise and the scope for excess returns diminishes 随着越来越多的资金涌入这些投资领域,资产价格将会上涨,回报的上升空间不断缩水。 |
| 7. | Yi looks very nice , but what we constantly struggle with is correctly seeing the upside and potential in relations to the certainty 易看来挺好,不过我们长期以来争论的焦点在于他是否肯定有足够上升空间和潜力。 |
| 8. | He can score like mo can score , but we felt that trevor defensively can give us a little bit more and maybe had more upside because of his age than mo evans did 他不仅能像莫-埃文斯那样得分,而且他还可以增强我们的防守,并且他的上升空间要比埃文斯大,因为他更年轻。 |
| 9. | Not really . the demand is up too . years ago , how many chinese thought about buying gold coin , diamond rings , etc . , ? don ' t forget india . demand has increased significantly 金子的上升空间不小是事实,但是几年内要达到2000 , 3000还是很难? ?因为现在的金子比以前还是多得多了。 |
| 10. | " he is very young and can still improve a lot , " said juve president giovanni cobolli gigli . " ibrahimovic must understand that a year in serie b can be a stimulating experience . “他很年轻,仍有很大的上升空间” ,尤文主席吉利说道, ”伊布必须意识到一年的乙级生涯会是令人感觉刺激的经历. ” |