| 1. | We can't refuse them plump, you know. the law forbids us . 您知道,我们不能直截了当地拒绝他们,因为法律不准许我们这样做。 |
| 2. | During his entire eleven years in the camp, they were never permitted to visit him . 他在劳改营里度过的整整十一年时间里,一直不准许他们前来看望他。 |
| 3. | We did not recognize this means of rescuing enemy pilots who had been shot down in action . 我们不准许用这种方式救起那些在作战中被击落的敌方飞行员。 |
| 4. | Aunt maggie was not even allowed to see his body nor was she able to claim any of his asset . 就连麦吉姨妈都不准许去看看他的尸体,也不能认领他的任何财产。 |
| 5. | You are not here to air your blood or your graces, and nothing of the sort will be permitted . 我们并不是请您来卖弄您的家世,也不是请您来耍排场摆架子,这一类的事情都是绝对不准许的。 |
| 6. | My parents don ' t approve of me smoking cigarettes 我的父母不准许我吸烟。 |
| 7. | Whether or no , i won t be prayed agin , i tell you 总而言之,我不准许谁祈祷我倒霉,我告诉你。我受不了。 |
| 8. | Irish citizens - not allowed 爱尔兰公民-不准许 |
| 9. | Transhipment not allowed 不准许转运 |
| 10. | Transhipment is allowed 不准许转船 |