" dr . calabria did not perform plastic surgery on ms . stone . " the lawsuit was dismissed monday , he said 但已过“不惑”之年的她却是依然俏面不老风韵不减当年。
This cult of overwork - the cult that raised me , and so many of my middle - aged contemporaries - now has a recruitment problem 正是这种拼命工作的思想抚育了我,以及众多像我一样年届不惑的中年人。
I pursue in the life all happy things , although the year recovers the forty years old , but the years trace not premature climbs up my frontal eminence , because i have a young heart 我追求生活中一切美好的事物,虽然年逾不惑,但岁月的痕迹没有过早的爬上我的额角,因为我拥有一颗年轻的心。
At forty i no longer suffered from perplexities . " it could be interpreted that one cannot be free from perplexities and earthly troubles without soul searching for another ten years even if success is already in hand 孔夫子说"三十而立,四十而不惑" ;可以理解为成功之后,还须求索十年,方能达到无惑的境界。
S reasonable enough to understand , thus no confusion ; honourable enough to prevail selfishness , thus no concern ; powerful enough with virtues and righteousness , thus no fear . these are the orders of the learning 他对孔子的知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧注说:明足以烛理,故不惑理足以胜私,故不忧气足以配道义,故不惧。
Bob harris and charlotte are two americans in tokyo . bob is a movie star in town to shoot a whiskey commercial , while charlotte is a young woman tagging along with her workaholic photographer husband 故事由两个身在东京的美国人展开,一个中年过气电视广告明星卜,一个嫁夫随夫的新婚少妇莎洛,身处异乡,面对陌生的人和事,感到不惑及迷茫。
Hoi agreed with the promise as this appeared to be the only pub he could stay , he also made friend with suay cheuk had unease feeling or jealous to him from now on , the beautiful pub became prominent in the street , all kinds of people seeking help from hoi were gradually increased . hoi was just the best person to stir up trouble , the actual problem solvers were cheuk and suay 海每晚做够数便会到美丽酒吧内饮酒,是夜,素闯入见海与美丽对饮,心生醋意,美丽自揭身份,海听后竟无拒抗之心,连海自己也大感不惑,素亦放下心头之石,美丽见素无所事事,引荐她到酒吧内工作,四人关系尚算融洽