谗臣专权: in every court and in every post there are naught but evil covetous officials
Example Sentences:
The eunuch ' s monopoly of power in late tang dynasty 论唐朝后期的宦官专权
Despotic synchronized network 专权同步网
Despotic synchronize network 专权同步网
Re - investigation on the relation between li lin - fu ' s monopolizing power and the declination from prosperity of tang dynasty 李林甫专权与盛唐转衰关系再探讨
We think the emperors ' female - side relatives ' power - monopolizing was opposed by " women ' s commandments " , and it was created for woman of palace noble 我们认为《女诫》是为反对外戚专权,专为宫廷贵族妇女而作的。
He five key leadership styles identified in the grid are 1 , 1 ( impoverished ) ; 9 , 1 ( task ) ; 1 . 9 ( country club ) ; 5 , 5 ( middle - of ? the road ) ; and 9 , 9 ( team ) 5种重要的领导风格论在系统中的建立是:贫乏型管理、专权型管理、乡村俱乐部型、中庸之道管理、理想型管理。
And put spices on the fire in them before the lord tomorrow ; then the man marked out by the lord will be holy : you take overmuch on yourselves , you sons of levi 明日在耶和华面前、把火盛在炉中、把香放在其上耶和华拣选谁、谁就为圣洁你们这利未的子孙擅自专权了。
And came before moses , with certain of the children of israel , two hundred and fifty chiefs of the people , men of good name who had a place in the meeting of the people 聚集攻击摩西、亚伦、说、你们擅自专权、全会众个个既是圣洁、耶和华也在他们中间、你们为甚麽自高超过耶和华的会众呢。
And put fire therein , and put incense in them before the lord to morrow : and it shall be that the man whom the lord doth choose , he shall be holy : ye take too much upon you , ye sons of levi 民16 : 7明日在耶和华面前、把火盛在炉中、把香放在其上耶和华拣选谁、谁就为圣洁你们这利未的子孙擅自专权了。