Asia 2000 comprised an exhibition and a forum 2000年亚洲电信展包括一个国际电讯展览及一个世界电讯论坛。
Such is the level of worldwide market penetration reaching 35 . 3 percent of the 97 million phones sold in the first quarter of this year - of one of the world ' s leading telecommunications companies 这就是诺基亚进入全球市场的水平:今年第一季度售出的手机总数为九千七百万台,市场占有率高达35 . 3 % ,是世界电讯传播类公司的龙头之一。
The associated forum focused on the latest telecoms developments and growth in the region and provide the only platform in the world where professionals from the international companies or governments met one another under one roof to shape the future of the telecoms industry 至于世界电讯论坛,则集中讨论电讯业在区内的最新发展,并提供一个场合予各地电讯业领袖,探讨电讯业在发展中国家及工业国的未来发展及适当策略。
The associated forum focused on the latest telecoms developments and growth in the region and provide the only platform in the world where professionals from the international companies or governments met one another under one roof to shape the future of the telecoms industry 至于世界电讯论坛,则集中讨论电讯业在区内的最新发展,并提供一个场合予各地电讯业领袖,探讨电讯业在发展中国家及工业国的未来发展及适当策略。