I walked aft until i reached the mainmast 我朝船尾走去,到主桅前边停了下来。
Aii hands about ship ! off tacks and sheets ! prepare the mainsail to haul 全体船员!离开船舷!准备拉动主桅!
For the mainmast , lads 瞄准主桅,各位
We can patch up the main and mizzen . foresail ' s gone , so we ' ii bend our spare 我们可以修好主桅以及后桅前桅的大帆也不能用了,我们只好用备用的
I placed my palms against the mainmast , which was of a goodish bigness , and waited , every nerve upon the stretch 我抱住相当粗的主桅等着,每一根神经都绷紧了。
That hill to the nor ard they calls the fore - mast hill ; there are three hills in a row running south ard - fore , main , and mizzen , sir 北边的那座小山他们叫做前桅山从那儿向南看,并列的是三座山前桅主桅和后桅,阁下。
Just forward of the mainmast i stopped , drew a pistol from my pocket , took a cool aim , though he had already turned and was once more coming directly after me , and drew the trigger 我在主桅前站住,从口袋里取出一支手枪。尽管他已经转过身来,再次向我直扑过来。我还是镇定地瞄准后扣动扳机。
But the main - that s the big un , with the cloud on it - they usually calls the spy - glass , by reason of a look - out they kept when they was in the anchorage cleaning ; for it s there they cleaned their ships , sir , asking your pardon 但是主桅就是大的上面有云的那座他们通常叫它望远镜山,因为当他们在锚地洗船时,总派个人在那里担任观望因为他们就是在那儿洗船,阁下。不当之处,请您见ino ”
The ship drew on and had safely passed the strait , which some volcanic shock has made between the calasareigne and jaros islands ; had doubled pom gue , and approached the harbor under topsails , jib , and spanker , but so slowly and sedately that the idlers , with that instinct which is the forerunner of evil , asked one another what misfortune could have happened on board 尽管船上扯起了三张主桅帆,一张大三角帆和一张后桅帆,但它驶得非常缓慢,一副无精打采的样子,以致岸上那些看热闹的人本能地预感到有什么不幸的事发生了,于是互相探问船上究竟发生了什么不幸的事。