You had a cinco de mayo party for one 你才一个人庆祝了“五月节” (墨西哥节日)
Metropolis plaza may events 新都广场五月节目
Uptown plaza may events 新达广场五月节目
Breweries also design special beer labels for festivals such as may day , christmas day , etc . that bring the vivid scene to you ; canadian beer trademarks are as beautiful as pictures , viewing them , you can appreciate beautiful lakes and mountains ; danish beer trademarks are particular and novel in designs , especially famous for their set trademarks ; britain beer trademarks are known for their decency , black preferred for representation of british gentleman style ; australia beer trademarks are mainly involved with animals as a result of the country ' s animal protection ; other beer trademarks like holland windmill , tanzania lion and canadian maple leaf , etc . bring us not only local conditions and customs but also visual appreciation 啤酒厂还经常为每年一度的各类节日特制啤酒,如五月节、圣诞节等,给人一种身临其境的感觉;加拿大的啤标美丽如画,我们可以从中领略到很美的湖光山色;丹麦的啤标十分考究,设计体裁新颖别致,特别以套标著称;英国的啤标以庄重著称,多喜欢黑色,以表达他们高贵的绅士形象;澳大利亚啤标与动物很有缘,这缘于他们国家对动物保护的结果;其他诸如荷兰的风车、坦桑尼亚的狮子、加拿大的枫叶等,使我们在欣赏中不仅可以了解各地民俗风情,而且还可以提高我们的欣赏水平。