He was probably a worthy member of society . 他可能是一个令人起敬的社会成员。
They were incredibly calm , serene and dignified animals 它们是不可思议的平静、安详而又令人起敬的动物。
Masons felt also akin to the revered building guilds of ancient egypt , greece , and rome 石匠也认同令人起敬的古埃及、希腊和罗马的建筑行业公会。
Bosc , having dipped his beard in the champagne , had taken it off , and under his venerable disguise the drunkard had suddenly reappeared 博斯克喝酒时胡子沾湿了,他干脆把它摘下来少了这把令人起敬的胡子,立刻露出一副酒鬼相。
Blandly himself found the hispaniola , and by the most admirable management got her for the merest trifle . there is a class of men in bristol monstrously prejudiced against blandly 布兰德利本人发现了伊斯班袅拉号,并且通过最令人起敬的安排,以最少的价钱得到了它。
There was now an interest , however , in believing the housekeeper ; and they soon became sensible that the authority of a servant who had known him since he was four years old , and whose own manners indicated respectability , was not to be hastily rejected . neither had any thing occurred in the intelligence of their lambton friends that could materially lessen its weight 大家现在都愿意去相信那个管家奶奶的话,因为她在主人四岁的那年就来到他,当然深知主人的为人,加上她本身的举止也令人起敬,那就决不应该贸贸然把她的话置若罔闻,何况根据蓝白屯的朋友们跟他们讲的情形来看,也觉得这位管家奶奶的话没有什么不可靠的地方。
They spoke for more representative , more effective , and more decisive government and did so in the form of an orderly , patient , respectful , and narrowly focused argument for the people s priorities , squarely within the overall framework of the " one country , two systems " formula for hong kong s post - 1997 development 他们以有序、耐心、理性及令人起敬的方式,在一国两制的框架内,提出诉求要求更具代表性、更有效率及更有决断的政府。人们发出一个明白无误的信息,那就是要求一个更好的政府,而在这个过程中所显示出的成熟和智慧,使全世界都注目。