| 1. | Use in pass - through queries and commands 用在传递查询和命令中 |
| 2. | Produces a column with duplicate column names , an error is raised )所执行的直接传递查询生成列名重复的列,将引发错误。 |
| 3. | Pass - through query 直接传递查询 |
| 4. | The opendatasource and openrowset syntax can specify a table name , but not a pass - through query Opendatasource和openrowset语法可以指定表名,但不能指定直接传递查询。 |
| 5. | Data type from remote instances of sql server can be consumed in pass - through queries 传递查询中可以使用公共语言运行时( clr )用户定义类型的列或来自sql server远程实例的 |
| 6. | A user can bookmark the url or send the url to other users , thereby passing the information in the query string along with it 用户可将此url设置为书签或发送给别的用户,从而通过此url传递查询字符串中的信息。 |
| 7. | Produces columns with duplicate names , the duplicate column names are ignored unless the columns are explicitly named in the query )所执行的直接传递查询生成名称重复的列,则除非在该查询中显式命名了这些列,否则将忽略重复的列名。 |
| 8. | All these providers support being referenced in a select statement by specifying a pass - through query in the openquery and openrowset functions 通过在openquery函数和openrowset函数中指定传递查询,就可以在select语句中引用所有这些提供程序。 |
| 9. | If a provider does not support being used in a four - part name , the provider can be referenced in an openquery or openrowset function by using a pass - through query 如果提供程序不能在由四部分组成的名称中使用,则可以在openquery函数或openrowset函数中通过使用传递查询来引用该提供程序。 |