| 1. | Of the date of introducing the above language benchmark pilot exercise and the specific details of the pilot exercise 该项教师语文基准试验计划会于何时实施,测试的具体 |
| 2. | When implementing the law , local communities will hold workshops where necessary to identify existing problems and promote good practices 何时实施法律,地方社区将拿著车间在必要时辨认现有的问题和促进好实践。 |
| 3. | In 2010 the government will review water quality trends , population increases and sewage flow build - up to judge when stage 2b of the scheme should be implemented 政府将于二零一零年检讨水质趋势以及人口和污水量的增长,以决定何时实施计划的第二期乙。 |
| 4. | First , effective implementation of new standards requires standard - setters to involve those affected in determining how and when the standards should be implemented 首先,若要有效推行新标准,在定出如何实施及何时实施这些标准的过程中,要让受影响的认可机构有机会参与。 |
| 5. | The current average occupancy rates of the emws at the hospitals concerned , and whether there are plans to increase the number of these beds ; if so ; the implementation timetable ; if not , the reasons for that 有关医院的急症科病房现时的平均入住率,以及有否计划增加病床的数目若有计划,何时实施若否,原因为何 |
| 6. | Whether or not this is an event for 2005 is anybody s guess and i am not making any predictions on timing here . but it promises to be the one great event of global financial significance on the time horizon 到底这会否在2005年发生,谁也说不准,我本身亦无意猜测这会在何时实施,但肯定会是关乎全球金融的重大事情。 |
| 7. | It will consider taking measures to separate paper from other refuse at the time of refuse collection so as to facilitate the recycling of waster paper ; if so , how soon such measures can be implemented ; if not , why not ; and 会否考虑在收集垃圾时把纸张分开处理,以便将废纸循环再造若然,该措施最快可于何时实施若否,原因为何及 |
| 8. | Whether the department of health has considered bringing chinese patent medicines under the regulation of the pharmacy and poisons ordinance and setting up a labelling system for chinese patent medicines ; if so , when the relevant measures will be implemented ; if not , why not ; and 及毒药条例的监管范围,及订定中成药标签制度若然,有关措施何时实施若否,原因为何及 |