Contribution to fundacion infantil alegria fe y esperanza 捐款给信望与喜乐儿童基金会
Faith . hope . lov 信望爱
Recreation activity and vegetarian food for the children of pingtung s " faith - hope - love orphanage 关怀屏东信望爱育幼院院童举办团康活动及素食品尝
We all know that the spiritual world is far more wondrous and grandeur than we can ever begin to comprehend 如今常存的有信望爱,这三样而其中最伟大的是爱。
A fellow initiate presents master s contribution to mr . garcia , who is in charge of finafes 同修将清海无上师的爱心捐款交给信望与喜乐儿童基金会的负责人荷西先生
Christian , faith , hope and love children s home for orphans , and subsidize education fees for children 屏束财团法人屏东县私立基督教信望爱育幼院孤儿及国中以下补助教育费350 , 000
Spunky , our hero , begins his journey to his new home and soon discovers how much it really means to have a loving master 这是一个充满信望爱的故事,藉著奇奇第一次过圣诞,让我们重新体会圣诞节的意义。
Purpose in an age inundated in information , serve as a news media in the public interest and in depth reporting , and propagate faith , hope , and love 成立主旨在资讯泛滥的时代,办一份具有深度报导而客观公正性的新闻媒体基督教论坛报,以宣扬信望爱真理。
All the faithful are urged to do their utmost , each in his or her own way through prayers and the practice of the virtues of faith , hope and love , to join the government and the general public in combating this extraordinary form of viral pneumonia 同时全体信友应以祈祷和信望爱三德,各尽其力,各按其份,联同政府和全港市民,克胜疫症。
And o god , in this time we pray that you will ride over the minds and hearts of the people in this united states of america and create a revival of classic faith , hope and love , that ll take us through the holidays with the sound of a trumpet , with the ringing of a bell 神啊,在这时候我们向你祷告,祈求你复兴美国人的心思意念,让他们重拾最基本的信望爱,让快乐的歌声和钟声,带我们走过这假期。阿们!