| 1. | Magnetic pump full of magnetism technology patent certificate 磁力泵充磁技术专利证书 |
| 2. | Study on pulse magnetization technique and device 脉冲充磁技术与装置研究 |
| 3. | Method of improving way of magnetizing for dc motor stator 直流电机定子充磁方式的改进方法 |
| 4. | The solution of 3d permanen tmagnetic fields having arbitrarily magnetizing direction 任意充磁方向的三维永磁磁场的数值解法 |
| 5. | With bonding process , thin wall magnet and magnet with complex shapes can be obtained 各向同性,可多极和辐向充磁。能制成薄壁形状复杂的磁体。 |
| 6. | Once the engine is running and the alternator is turning , part of its own current output keeps the electromagnetie field energized 一旦引擎转运而且发电机转动,部分的输出电流就会保持磁场充磁。 |
| 7. | We can provide ndfeb magnets in shapes of block , disc , ring , tile with different directions of magnetization according to customer ' s demand 可根据客户要求生产长方行、圆形、瓦形等各种形状,不同充磁方式的钕铁硼磁体。 |
| 8. | Has two openings , one for magnetizing and one for demagnetizing an object . simply pass an item through either side . very useful for magnetizing screwdriver bits 上下两个开口,上为消磁,下为充磁,只要轻轻穿过即可完成,特别适合起子头的充/消磁。 |
| 9. | Clients who require non - magnetized smco permanent magnet must be acquaint with self - magnet equipments for the purpose of completely satiate and magnetize our products or codes 需要提供不充磁钐钴永磁体的用户,一定要熟悉自己的充磁设备的充磁能量,以便选择可完全饱和磁化本公司产品的牌号。 |
| 10. | The company includes some sub companies and sub factories of car use meter parts , meter inspection equipment mfg . , household timer mfg . , and magnetizer demagnetizer mfg . 公司下设车用仪表部件及组合仪表制造仪表测试设备制造家用定时器制造以及充磁器,退磁器制造等分厂或分公司,相对独立,互为犄角,一经搓揉便可形成高度专业化的综合优势。 |