| 1. | With strong administration support in the violent inner-party battle in the senate, aldrich put his bill across on july 8, 1909 . 在参议院激烈的党内斗争中,奥尔德里奇在政府有力支持下,于1909年7月8日将其法案通过。 |
| 2. | Therefore , party solidarity and unity are inseparable from inner - party struggle of varying degrees 因此,党的团结和统一,也不能离开不同程度的党内斗争。 |
| 3. | The jhapa struggle played an important role in intensifying inner struggle between the revolutionaries and the newly emerging opportunists within the pseudo - reformist groups following a reformist line 革命者与新的机会主义分子? ?遵循改良主义路线的假革命-改良主义集团的党内斗争加强了,而贾帕斗争在其中扮演了重要角色。 |
| 4. | He suggests that materialist dialectics method of thinking and the principle of " struggling on two fronts " should be used . he considers that the party has been strengthened in the struggles 关于党内斗争的原则,他提出,要采取唯物辩证的思想方法,坚持“两条战线斗争”的原则:并认为,我们的党己经从两条战线斗争中巩固和壮大起来。 |
| 5. | The theory basis is marxism on how to correctly recognize and deal with inner - party contradictions and struggles . the history basis includes two parts : one is about the experiences and lessons in the party ' s history ; the other is about the cream of our national culture in the history 历史依据包括两方面,一是我们党历史上的,既继承了我们党勇于开展党内斗争的传统,又吸取了以往“残酷斗争,无情打击”的教训;二是中国历史上的,即传统文化中的精华部分。 |
| 6. | The complexity of the inner - party contradictions and struggles reflects in three respects : inner - party contradictions interwoven with outer - party contradictions ; contradictions between ourselves and the enemies interwoven with contradictions among the people ; inner - party contradictions interwoven with inter - party contradictions 党内矛盾党内斗争的复杂性体现在三个方面:党内矛盾和党外矛盾交织在一起;敌我矛盾和人民内部矛盾交织在一起;党内矛盾与党际矛盾交织在一起。 |