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English translation for "入木三分"

[ rùmùsānfēn ] 
written in a forceful hand; having forceful strokes of ideas [views; observations]; enter three-tenths of an inch into the timber -- vigorous effort; keen; penetrating; profound 短语和例子

Related Translations:
他的分析真是入木三分:  his analysis was really penetrating
Example Sentences:
1.His analysis was really penetrating .
2.No single phrase of his reverberates or penetrates as so many of la bruyere's do .
3.His eyes were sharp and piercing , save during those intervals of torpor
4.The idiom " ru mu san fen " literally means forceful strokes in handwriting . later it is used metaphorically to mean insightful writing or in - depth analysis
5.In fact , it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a grasp of the basic features of the canadian constitution can do a competent job on political stories
6.The style of writing is flowing freely , the rhetoric in proper form , deep get wei jin various dynasty the breeze , even develop tang the breeze sung bone astute , the ability sees this son of the building lord at the year that living
7.A distant cry from spring features montreal world film festival best actor award winner takakura ken , who gives a flawless portrayal as kosaku ; and baisho chieko home from the sea and the village as tamiko
8.Tse is few of the actors in hong kong who can act with their eyes alone other examples are tony leung chiu - wai and anthony wong . in this movie , what is astonishing about tse s performance is that he is able to express the misery of the characters with merely his eyes . dialogues seem to be totally redundant
9.Readers of “ intuition ” , however , will battle with themselves over whether to savour allegra goodman ' s exquisite filleting [ 2 ] of character , as the scientists are themselves dissected like their experimental mice , or to rush headlong [ 3 ] to find out what happens next
然而,读过《直觉》这本书的人心里很矛盾,小说里的科学家如同他们用作实验的小鼠一样被深刻剖析,因而读者们不知道是仔细品味一下阿列格拉& # 8226 ;古德曼入木三分的人物描写呢,还是急于弄清接下来会发生什么事情。
10.Tse is few of the actors in hong kong who can act with their eyes alone ( other examples are tony leung chiu - wai and anthony wong ) . in this movie , what is astonishing about tse s performance is that he is able to express the misery of the characters with merely his eyes . dialogues seem to be totally redundant
谢君豪是香港男演员中,少数能单以眼晴就能演戏之辈(其他例子有梁朝伟、黄秋生等) ,在片中多场感情戏,只靠沉郁的眼神就成功把角色的悲情演绎得入木三分,令人佩服。
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