| 1. | North of the equator about 61 percent of the surface is covered by water . 赤道以北,大约百分之六十一的表面为水所盖。 |
| 2. | Lord looked tired, older than his sixty-one years, and under the strain . 洛德显得疲惫,比他六十一岁的年龄更苍老,举止局促不安。 |
| 3. | In 1780, when he was seventy-two and she sixty-one, franklin sent his friend a delightfully unconventional proposal of marriage . 1780年,七十二岁的富兰克林向他那位六十一岁的朋友写了一封令人愉快而又不落俗套的求爱信。 |
| 4. | Chapter 61 how a gardener may get rid of the dormice 第六十一章帮园艺家摆脱睡鼠 |
| 5. | West kowloon concept competition receives 161 entries 西九概念比赛收到一百六十一份参赛作品 |
| 6. | Sixty - one applications to sars trust fund approved 严重急性呼吸系统综合症信托基金批核六十一宗申请 |
| 7. | Article 61 the state encourages the development of public trusts 第六十一条国家鼓励发展公益信托。 |
| 8. | The buyer shall pay the price at the prescribed time 第一百六十一条买受人应当按照约定的时间支付价款。 |
| 9. | Civil service newsletter issue 61 公务员通讯第六十一期 |
| 10. | The newest report says sixty - one percent of the students went to europe 最新的报道称百分之六十一的学生留学欧洲。 |