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English translation for "切记吩咐你的事"

mind what you're told

Related Translations:
切记:  be sure to keep in mind; be sure to remember; must always remember 短语和例子切记吩咐你的事。 mind what you're told
吩咐:  tell; instruct 短语和例子听候吩咐 be at sb.'s command; 照吩咐去办吧。 do as you are told. 我将等候您的吩咐。 i shall await your instructions
附耳吩咐:  whisper certain instructions in sb.'s ear
听从吩咐:  be at sb.'s beck and call
吩咐清洁工:  instructions for a housecleanerr
听候吩咐:  be at someone's service 短语和例子我随时听候您的吩咐。 i'm always at your service
吩咐裁缝:  giving instructions to a tailor
他吩咐说:  he commanded
听候某人吩咐:  at one's service
Example Sentences:
1.Mind what you 're told .
Similar Words:
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