| 1. | Waves of hair cluster on his brow. his hair is cropped closely at the back, and glows with oil . 他前额的上面是一大堆鬈发,后面剪得很短,油光光的。 |
| 2. | The lofty slope of his narrow forehead, the perfectly humane look of his cultivated brutality, struck shelton as ridiculous . 他那狭窄前额的高昂斜面,他那养成的残暴作风中的十分仁义的外观,都教谢尔顿觉得很滑稽。 |
| 3. | The top of his head is the veil line crossing mona lisa ' s forehead 他的头顶正好是蒙娜?丽莎前额的面纱边线。 |
| 4. | The scars on his forehead 在他前额的伤疤 |
| 5. | His hairline is receding and his body shows the signs of long working hours and too many candy bars 他前额的头发越来越少,从体型能看出他长时间工作并且糖块吃得太多。 |
| 6. | High foreheads were all the rage back then which meant that fashionable ladies would pluck their entire front hairlines off 那时非常流行宽额,也就是说时髦女性会将前额的发际拔光。 |
| 7. | It ' s common in some buddhist cultures to shave children ' s heads , often leaving a small unshaved tuft above the forehead 在某些佛教文化中,儿童剃光头非常普遍,常常只留下前额的一小撮刘海。 |
| 8. | Their mood - mirroring character combined with the wrinkling of the forehead , gives the boxer head its unique quality of expressiveness 他们结合前额的皱纹,所反映出来的特点,给予拳师犬一种独特的表情。 |
| 9. | A specific energy point in chi gong practice , the celestial eye is located slightly above the glabella in the middle of the forehead in a triangular formation with the physical eyes 天目是气功学中特有的一个人体穴道,位置在印堂稍上方,前额的正中,与双目成三角。 |
| 10. | Conversely the nasal and frontal formation was derived in a direct line of lineage which , though interrupted , would continue at distant intervals to its most distant intervals 反之,鼻子和前额的构造却继承了尽管中断过然而逐渐隔着更大的乃至最大的间歇遗传下来的直系血统。 |