庞达隆上尉与劳军女郎: captain pantoja and the special services
Example Sentences:
But we ' re wearing the real jewels tonight and no more dildos 从前只戴地摊货今天穿得可以去劳军呢
He says that only after the war ended would hollywood look at the problems of returning veterans in the best years of our lives 1941年珍珠港事件爆发后,好莱坞投身于用许多方式战争,如新闻影片,人物电影,训练电影。好莱坞明星劳军。
" once pearl harbor took place in 1941 , hollywood pitched in to the war effort in many many different ways , including newsreels , feature films , training films . hollywood stars entertained the troops . 1941年珍珠港事件爆发后,好莱坞投身于用许多方式战争,如新闻影片,人物电影,训练电影。好莱坞明星劳军。
Our team had more females than males ; therefore , when we met another work team , we looked thinner and more exhausted than did their members . we jokingly said that our team was the marine corps while the other team with the chubby members was a consolation delegation . master was even more exhausted and had less time to rest 们这一组工作人员因全程参加,男众又较少,所以在加拿大蒙特利尔机埸与另一组同修相遇时,我们显得又瘦又疲惫,我们自嘲说我们这一组是海军陆战队,另一组胖胖的是劳军团。