| 1. | We gave our support to brandt's historic course . 我们支持勃兰特具有历史意义的方针。 |
| 2. | With brandt we understood his basic point only too well . 对勃兰特,我们对他的心思摸得太透了。 |
| 3. | Brandt was on record as favoring britain's entry into the common market . 勃兰特正式表示过他赞成英国加入共同市场。 |
| 4. | In fact, pompidou had proposed it in his interview with reston, and brandt had surprised us by seconding it . 实际上,这个建议是蓬皮杜接见赖斯顿时提出来的,而勃兰特表示附议使我们颇感意外。 |
| 5. | On one level brandt's wrenching decision to recognize the division of germany was a courageous recognition of reality . 从某种意义上说,勃兰特忍痛做出承认德国分治的决定,是一种勇于正视现实的行为。 |
| 6. | What started as a practical calculation was in time transmuted by brand's emotional nature into a psychological necessity . 这个原本是切合实际的想法,因为勃兰特生性容易冲动,却变成了一种心理上的需要。 |
| 7. | I therefore urged nixon to go along with brandt's policy and to use our influence to embed it in a wider framework than german nationalism . 因此,我敦促尼克松附合勃兰特的政策,并运用我们的影响把它纳入一个比德意志民族主义更广泛的格局中去。 |
| 8. | For a guy like brandt to lose control like that 像勃兰特这样的人也会如此的失控 |
| 9. | Jonah his name is brandt , this man you want to see 你要找的那个人他的名字叫勃兰特 |