| 1. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - general 发射管电性能测试方法总则 |
| 2. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - measuring methods of output power 发射管电性能测试方法输出功率的测试方法 |
| 3. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - methods of measuring the power gain 发射管电性能测试方法功率增益的测试方法 |
| 4. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - method of measuring the cross modulation 发射管电性能测试方法交叉调制的测试方法 |
| 5. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - measuring methods of anode ion current 发射管电性能测试方法阳极离子流的测试方法 |
| 6. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - measuring methods of electrical intensity 发射管电性能测试方法电气强度的测试方法 |
| 7. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - measuring methods of vibration stability 发射管电性能测试方法振动稳定性的测试方法 |
| 8. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - measuring methods of pulse output power 发射管电性能测试方法脉冲输出功率的测试方法 |
| 9. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - measuring methods of interelectrode insulation 发射管电性能测试方法极间绝缘的测试方法 |
| 10. | Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes - measuring methods of reverse grids current 发射管电性能测试方法栅极反向电流的测试方法 |