[ chīhēwánlè ] enjoy oneself with feasting and other kinds of entertainment; eat, drink and be merry -- idle away one's time in pleasure-seeking; eat, drink, play and make merry; indulge in eating, drinking and pleasure-seeking; indulge in extravagant eating, drinking and merry-making; indulge in gluttony and pleasure-seeking; have a good time, wining and dining; wine and dine and enjoy oneself
Related Translations:
人生并不是吃喝玩乐: life is not all beer and skittles. ――thomas hughes
He had squandered a substantial fortune, he had been deplorably convivial, he was known to have gambled freely . 他把一份殷实的家私挥霍光了,过着令人惋惜的吃喝玩乐的生活,据说还大手大脚地赌博。
Eat , drink , and be merry - - that ' s his philosophy 吃喝玩乐,那就是他的人生哲学。
Large collection of photographs from around the world -提供深圳地区吃喝玩乐信息。
Peter parties all day . his father is angry 彼得整天与朋友吃喝玩乐。他爸爸很生气。
Life is not all beer and skittles 人生并非只是啤酒和九柱戏. /人生并不全是吃喝玩乐
I just want to have fun before i die 我不过想在死之前吃喝玩乐做个风流鬼
Life isn ' t all cakes and ale , you know 要知道生活并非都是吃喝玩乐
The hostess bade us to make good cheer 女主人叫我们尽兴吃喝玩乐。