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English translation for "多倍"

[ duōbèi ]

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ名词(跟原数相同的量) times 短语和例子五倍 five times; 百倍 hundredfold; 该厂产量成倍增长。 the output of the factory has doubled and redoubled. 十是五的两倍。 ten is twice as much as five.Ⅱ形容词(加倍) double; twice as much 短语
倍半:  sesquialter◇倍半二倍体 sesquidiploid; 倍半化合物 sesqui; 倍半硫化物 sesquifide; 倍半氯化物 sesquichloride; 倍半盐 sesquisalt; 倍半氧化物 sesquioxide
五倍:  fivefoldquintuplequintuplicationquintupling
安倍:  anbenatsumi abeyasube
倍捻:  double twistingtwo for one twisting
倍角:  multiple angle
六倍:  sextuple; sixfold; six times◇六倍体 hexaploid; 六倍性 hexaploidy
须倍:  sue
倍频范围:  octave coverage
倍内罗:  frank j. bonello
Example Sentences:
1.Whether this involves allopolyploidy or autopolyploidy will not be considered .
2.Now i charge many times the fees i should, and there are others who do even better .
3.Today federal grants are more than one hundred times this amount, and state appropriations are much greater .
4.Hybrid sterility is sometimes overcome by polyploidy
5.Ppm , incidentally , is another 10 times slower than bzip2
顺便说一下, ppm又比bzip2要慢10多倍
6.The rewards of a successful " pi " campaign will pay back your effort many times over
7.If the depth is one or more times the diameter , the process is called deep drawing
8.The advantage is fold increase productivity , reduce costs , and improve product quality
9.International financing for malaria control has increased more than tenfold in the past decade
10.The potential values of cereal crops may be excavated by multiplying the chromosomes
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