have power and range; great vitality; of great momentum; powerful; grand and magnificent
Example Sentences:
The series of fur garment with the earth color express its understanding for tradition , fashion , and spacious love 作品用裘皮、用土地的颜色来诠释传统,以及对这片时尚热土的大气磅礴的爱。
Aeschylus wrote such plays as [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] prometheus bound , persians [ / color ] [ / b ] and [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] agamemnon [ / color ] [ / b ] . aeschylus is noted for his vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry 埃斯库罗斯因其鲜货的人物描写和大气磅礴的戏剧诗而闻名遐迩,他的代表作品有《被缚的普罗米修斯》 、 《波斯人》和《阿迦门侬》 。