瞥: 动词(很快地看一下) shoot a glance at; dart a look at 短语和例子对某人投以愤怒的一瞥 dart an angry look at sb.; 《故宫一瞥》 a glimpse of the imperial palace; 他刚要插嘴,妈妈瞥了他一眼。 he was going to butt in when his mother dart
飞快: 1.(非常迅速) very fast 短语和例子摩托车飞快地从街上驶过。the motorcycle raced along the street at lightning speed. 时间飞快过去。 time flew. 她飞快地瞥了我一眼。 she darted a glance at me.2.(锋利) extremely sharp; razorsharp 短语和