实: Ⅰ形容词1.(内部完全填满, 没有空隙) solid 短语和例子里面是实的。 it's solid. 铁条是实心的, 管子是空心的。 a iron bar is solid, a pipe is hollow.2.(真实; 实在) true; real; honest 短语和例子实心眼儿 honest and sincere; 情况属实。 it's true. 实有其事。
距: Ⅰ名词1.(距离) distance 短语和例子行距 the distance between rows of plants2.(雄鸡、雉等的腿的后面突出像脚趾的部分) spur (of a cock, etc.)Ⅱ动词(相距) be apart [away] from; be at a distance from 短语和例子相距不远 not far from each o