| 1. | I would know her even in a crowd . 就是在人群中,我也能认出她来。 |
| 2. | He's lying, i think, or bluffing . 我看,他这是在撒谎,再不然,就是在恫吓。 |
| 3. | She had been brought up in rigorous economy . 她从小就是在非常俭朴的环境中长大的。 |
| 4. | There and then were sown the seeds of future misunderstanding . 就是在那时那地种下了将来误会的种子。 |
| 5. | It was here that the only violent incident of the day erupted . 就是在这里发生了这天唯一的暴力行为。 |
| 6. | These were the titles under which these lunacies occurred . 这些疯疯癫癫的事就是在这些名堂下干出来的。 |
| 7. | His loner instincts are honed sharp by the spying game . 他那深居简出的性格就是在长期的谍报工作中磨炼出来的。 |
| 8. | It was here i found her, and she is divine beyond all living things . 我就是在这儿发现她的,她的圣洁超越一切生物。 |
| 9. | The one in my left hand is a cast made from the hole in the rose bed . 我左手拿的这个就是在花坛里留下的那个洞的压模。 |
| 10. | Gathering pecans in that grove was an autumn chore we always enjoyed . 我们一直很喜欢的活动就是在小树丛里采集山核桃。 |