1.(像卷席子一样把东西卷进去) roll up like a mat; carry everything with one; take away everything 短语和例子 席卷而逃 make off with everything that one can lay hands on; abscond lock, stock and barrel2.(全部卷进去; 横卷) sweep across; engulf 短语和例子 经济危机席卷了整个资本主义世界。 an economic crisis engulfed the entire capitalist world
Related Translations:
席卷天下: carry the world before one; absorb the whole world like the rolling up of a mat; conquer the whole country; roll up the empire like a mat
席卷全球: have swept the globe; sweep across the globe
席卷而去: make a clean sweep and go off [decamp]; abscond bag and baggage; be swept away (by); make off with everything that one can lay hands on; roll the mat with everything and run away; take eve