| 1. | The river's earliest commerce was in great keelboats . 这河上最早的通商工具是大平底船。 |
| 2. | I have a gondola here . 我开来了一条平底船。 |
| 3. | The canoe was seized, and immediately secured again to the side of the ark . 小舟被人钩住了,立即被重新系在平底船一边。 |
| 4. | The ark was in the act of passing the last curve of this leafy entrance . 平底船已把这条绿色长带的最后一个急弯抛在身后。 |
| 5. | Deerslayer made the best dispositions he could to keep the ark as nearly stationary as possible . 杀鹿人尽量把平底船的位置保持不动。 |
| 6. | The scow had been put together with some skill, being comparatively light for its strength . 这只大平底船的建造是颇具匠心的,它既轻便又结实。 |
| 7. | The logs of the hut and ark had a sort of a purple hue, blended with the growing obscurity . 平底船和水寨抹上了一层紫层,与渐浓的暮色浑成一体。 |
| 8. | The singular craft has suffered to skim the surface at the water in this direction for more than an hour . 平底船就这样在水面上滑行了一个多小时。 |
| 9. | Both began to look for it with a curiosity that was increased by the expectation of finding the ark . 两人一想到马上就要见到平底船,都兴致勃勃地找寻起来。 |
| 10. | Luckily the punt drifted so that he could catch hold of a willow bough, and pull to the island . 幸好平底船还能漂浮,于是他便抓住一根柳树枝,将船靠向小岛。 |