| 1. | This was a recognizable disaster to the german air force . 这对德国空军来说是一次明显的惨败。 |
| 2. | He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the luftwaffe . 他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊。 |
| 3. | This was just an absurd excuse for the failures of the luftwaffe in the east . 这正是德国空军在东方失利的一个荒唐借口。 |
| 4. | A considerable amount of the german air force could still be disposed in those areas . 有相当强大的德国空军配置于本地区域。 |
| 5. | The german air force had been engaged to the utmost limit in the battle of france . 在法兰西之战中,德国空军的使用已经到了极限。 |
| 6. | At the same time the german air force began to use its might upon a defenceless country . 同时,德国空军开始进攻一个没有设防的国家。 |
| 7. | I do not think the german air force has the numbers or quality to overpower our air defences . 我不认为德国空军在数量和质量上能击溃我们的空防。 |
| 8. | The german air corps had waited for more than seven months to strike their blow and prove their mettle . 德国空军军团待命出击以一试其锋芒,已经有七个多月了。 |
| 9. | "okay, that's a thousand miles from brest," said pug. "sell outside the luftwaffe air umbrella. " “成啦,那里离布列斯特有一千哩,”帕格说,“远在德国空军的保护伞之外了。” |
| 10. | Every available soldier in the berlin area was to be thrown into the attack, including the luftwaffe ground troops . 柏林地区凡是能够搜罗到的一兵一卒,包括德国空军地面部队,都必须全部投入战斗。 |