| 1. | For one thing , they have to manage it 有一件他们必做的事是做金钱管理的计划。 |
| 2. | That will be part of their homework 这将是学生的当日必做的功课之一。 |
| 3. | Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me 早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一件事 |
| 4. | Reading new apers in the morning has become a routine for me 早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一件事。 |
| 5. | Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me 早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一件事。 |
| 6. | What is your daily routine 你每天必做的事是什么? |
| 7. | The daily grind 每天必做的苦差 |
| 8. | Picking seafood when the tide is ebbing seems a must - do for every visitor at a beach 赶海、拾捡海产品似乎是去每个海岸都必做的事情。 |
| 9. | Much of the work we have to do involves trying to get sponsorship deals for our artists 在我们必做的工作中,大部分都与努力为我们的艺人拉赞助合约有关。 |
| 10. | See the problem set assignments below to determine which problems are required and suggested for each problem set 看下面的问题集分配来确定哪些问题是必做的那些问题建议作的。 |