| 1. | They ' ll come back when we find clear air 天气晴朗就恢复运作 |
| 2. | I want the system back online ! - it ' s the dock . they ' ve got incoming 尽快恢复运作-起降坪又有敌人来袭 |
| 3. | - i want the system back online ! - it ' s the dock . they ' ve got incoming -尽快恢复运作-起降坪又有敌人来袭 |
| 4. | It will be months before st nazaire is operational again 直到st nazaire恢复运作可能要经过好几个月的时间 |
| 5. | The computer system resumed operation 3 minutes after the power shortage yesterday 昨天电脑系统在停电后三分钟就恢复运作了。 |
| 6. | Please note that the system will be temporarily suspended daily from 07 : 45 to 07 : 59 a . m . for maintenance work . service will resume at 08 : 00 a . m (请注意:系统会在每天早上七时四十五分至七时五十九分暂停服务以便进行资料更新,并在早上八时正恢复运作。 |
| 7. | Given the scale and the location of the attacks , it is remarkable how quickly operations resumed in new york and , consequently , how little disruption occurred to financial markets across the world 以袭击的规模及受袭地点来衡量,纽约能迅速恢复运作及全球金融市场最终只是受到轻微影响,实在令人惊叹。 |
| 8. | Clients automatically try alternate servers ; if all servers are down , clients do exponential backoff to avoid flooding the servers when they come back up 客户端能自动对每个服务器轮流尝试连接;如果所有的服务器都出问题了,客户端会备份结果并暂停与服务器的连接,以免服务器恢复运作时对服务器造成泛洪式攻击。 |
| 9. | In use , ground - station failures were common , and if a human operator was not available to reactivate the equipment manually , the satellite signal could be lost ? and with it , all the data for that orbit 卫星地面站经常在运作过程中发生故障,如果不安排操作人员以手动的方式让仪器恢复运作,地面站就可能失去卫星的讯号,连带失去来自该轨道的所有资料。 |
| 10. | A few other watercourses have had their monitoring interrupted at various points in their history . the kt1 monitoring station on the kam tin river was suspended temporarily in 1997 and 1998 while river training work was being carried out in the vicinity , resuming in 1999 once the station again became accessible . the tsang kok stream in the northwest was also affected by the west new territories landfill development , being suspended in 1999 but resuming from 2000 此外,有些时期河溪的监测活动亦曾经中断过,例如1997年及1998年间,设于锦田河的kt1站位的监测因为附近进行河道改善工程而暂时停止,直至1999年才恢复运作新界西北部的曾角溪亦于1999年受新界西堆填区发展工程影响,水质监测暂停至2000年才重新恢复运作。 |