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English translation for "恩人自居"

play the benefactor; assume the airs of a benefactor

Related Translations:
自居:  consider oneself to be; pose as 短语和例子以功臣自居 consider oneself to be someone who has rendered great service; pose as one who has rendered great service; give oneself the air of a hero; 以学者自居
恩人:  benefactor 短语和例子出于他对恩人的感激 from his gratitude to his benefactor
以自居:  regard oneself as
自居作用:  identificationindentification
超人自居:  regard oneself as a superman
功臣自居:  regard oneself as having rendered a great service (to ...); give oneself the airs of a hero; self-styled distinguished veteran
救命恩人:  mixed nutssaviour
葛恩人:  gorn
女恩人:  benefactress
受恩人:  debtor
Example Sentences:
1.His manner , if patronizing , was not unkind ...
2.Bobbie , so far you ' ve been nothing but patronizing ,
3.Some passengers often treat taxi driver with great patronizing disregard
4.There was not the slightest touch of patronage . drouet was full of it
5.She wanted someone to look up to , he wanted someone to look down on , protectively and if need be patronizingly
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