| 1. | Eladio thinks more than i do . 埃拉迪奥比我会动脑筋。 |
| 2. | Her statue, the palladium, was stolen from her temple . 她的帕拉迪姆神像被人从她的庙里偷走了。 |
| 3. | Will ladislaw was delightfully agreeable at dinner the next day . 第二天吃晚饭时,威尔拉迪斯拉夫谈笑风生,十分愉快。 |
| 4. | Mr. will ladislaw's sense of the ludicrous lit up his features very agreeably . 威尔拉迪斯拉夫先生这种滑稽感使他的脸变得满面春风。 |
| 5. | We got in just under the wire with the vladivostod agreement of november 1974 . 就在限期快到时,我们于一九七四年十一月签署了符拉迪沃斯托克协议。 |
| 6. | This praise was echoed by one of howell's chief english admirers, rudyard kipling . 这一赞美之词引起了豪威尔斯的英国的推崇者拉迪亚德普林的共鸣。 |
| 7. | She met ladislaw with that exquisite smile of goodwill which is unmixed with vanity . 她露出和蔼可亲的优美笑容,没有一点妄自尊大的样子,迎着拉迪斯拉夫。 |
| 8. | Ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues, gladys. you, as a good tory, must not underrate them . 丑恶是七大德行之一,格拉迪斯。你是个死心塌地的保皇党,别把这些德行低估了。 |
| 9. | But as me ugly old aunt giadys used to say , 但是我的丑陋的老阿姨格拉迪斯总是说 |
| 10. | Brady ' s back on his " white hole " kick again 布拉迪又开始扯他那套“白洞”的鬼话了 |