| 1. | The decision was not unanimous; three justices dissented, justice harlan roundly attacking his six colleagues for violating another basic american principleseparation of powers . 各大法官对这项决定的意见并不一致。有三位法官另持异议。哈伦大法官率直指斥他的六位同僚违反另一基本立国原则分权制度。 |
| 2. | The thing was discussed for a long time , but finally decided in his favor 对那件事一直有人持异议,但他取得了胜利。 |
| 3. | But it recently pledged instead to reduce emissions by a more modest amount by 2020 , and says it has no objections to mrs merkel ' s 50 % target by 2050 然而最近,它又作出保证将在2020年之前以较为适当的幅度减少该国的排放量,并声称对默克尔夫人所提议的在2050年之前减半的目标不持异议。 |
| 4. | Where a company needs to purchase its own shares for any of the reasons as mentioned in items ( 1 ) through ( 3 ) of the preceding paragraph , it shall be subject to a resolution of the shareholders ' meeting (三)将股份奖励给本公司职工; (四)股东因对股东大会作出的公司合并、分立决议持异议,要求公司收购其股份的。 |
| 5. | Appraisal right is designed to protect the right of dissent minority shareholders to exit a company on a fair - price basis undergoing major changes against their original intention at the time of investment 摘要异议股份收买请求权的设置是为了保护持异议意见的小股东在面临公司重大变化以至违背其投资初衷时,享有的在公平合理价格基础上退出公司的权利。 |
| 6. | However , justice william young dissented from the majority decision , finding that mr johnson defrauded the franchisees and conferred a windfall benefit on mrs johnson with the practical effect of defeating his creditors 上诉庭以2 : 1支持约翰逊太太的上诉请求,持异议的大法官则认为约翰逊先生诈欺了债权人然后天上掉馅饼式地将财产转移到他太太名下,这实际上已经达到了击垮债权人的效果。 |
| 7. | Appraisal remedy gives dissenting shareholders the option to sell their shares back to the company for fair value following certain fundamental corporate changes , such as merger , the sale or exchange of all or substantially all of assets of company 评估补偿权制度是多数股东就法律规定的某些重大交易,如合并、重大资产买卖等事项通过决议时,给予反对该交易的持异议股东通过获得现金补偿退出公司的救济机制。 |