Local long-haired types and even a few tourists pitch in to help from time to time . 当地蓄长头发的年青人,甚至还有几个旅游者振臂相助。
Announcer here ' s the wind - up , the pitch ! it ' s a high cutter 振臂挥球,投球!是高卡特球
[ announcer ] here ' s the wind - up , the pitch ! it ' s a high cutter 振臂挥球,投球!是高卡特球
Crime is for the iron - nerved , who have their choice either to endure it , or , if it press too hard , to exert their fierce and savage strength for a good purpose , and fling it off at once 罪恶是那种神经如钢铁的人干的,他们自己可以选择:要么甘心忍受要么在受压过甚时便运用自己凶猛的蛮力,振臂一甩,以达目的!
He was himself the same , he knew that ; he knew that he was more experienced and skilful indeed now than he had been of old . the enemy even was the same as at austerlitz and friedland . but the irresistible wave of his hand seemed robbed of its might by magic 军队依然是那个样子,将军依然是那个样子,所做的准备部署, proclamation courte et nergique和拿破仑本人依然是那个样子,这些他都知道,他还知道,他现在比过去经验丰富得多,老练多了,而且敌人也依然同奥斯特利茨和弗里德兰战役时一样但是,可怕的振臂一挥,打击下来却魔术般地软弱无力。