[ tǐng ] Ⅰ动词 1.(伸直或凸出) stick out; bulge or protrude; straighten up 短语和例子 挺胸 throw out one's chest; square one's shoulders; 挺起腰杆 straighten one's back; straighten up; 挺着脖子 straighten one's neck; 挺着肚子 protrude one's belly2.(勉强支撑) stand; hold out; bear; endure 短语和例子 挺得住伤痛 can bear [stand] pains; 挺过了一场大病 succeeded in pulling through the illness; 他受了伤, 还硬挺着。 though wounded, he was still holding out.Ⅱ形容词 1.(硬而直) stiff; straight; erect; upright 短语和例子 挺直的体态 an erect bearing; 笔挺的制服 well-ironed uniform; 直挺挺地站着 stand straight and stiff2.(特出; 杰出) distinguished; standing out 短语和例子 英挺 outstanding; distinguishedⅢ副词 (很) very; quite; pretty; rather 短语和例子 工作挺勤奋 be very diligent in one's work; 今天挺冷。 it's rather [pretty; quite] cold today. 这孩子挺聪明。 this child is quite clever.Ⅳ量词 (用于机关枪) 短语和例子 两挺重机枪 two heavy machine guns