| 1. | 9 . training and capacity building 9 .培训与提高能力 |
| 2. | You need to improve yourself at listening , reading , speaking and writing 学好英语需要在听说读写四个方面全面提高能力。 |
| 3. | The idea of public relations helps university students to mould their image and improve their ability 运用公关理念帮助大学生塑造形象和提高能力 |
| 4. | We study foreign languages now to improve our ability to work well in the future and especially to commnicate with foreigners 我们现在学英语是为了提高能力以便将来好好工作,尤其是同外国人交流。 |
| 5. | Vi . assess training and capacity building needs , especially in the fields of education , protected areas management , and impact assessment Vi .评估在教育保护区管理及环境影响评估方面,培训及提高能力的需要 |
| 6. | The arguments in favour are compelling for those who seek to enhance their ability to perform in the workplace and thereby advance their careers 大家都认为读工商管理硕士能够提高能力,使他们在职业生涯中更上一层楼。 |
| 7. | In this model , with the ties of problems , students can improve their intelligence and ability through high level thinking in the process of raising and solving problems 该模式是以问题为纽带,使学生在提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的探究过程中,通过高水平思维来学习,基于问题解决来建构知识、发展智力、提高能力。 |
| 8. | The teaching strengthens teacher ' s research - pattern " teaching " and trainees ' research - pattern " learning " , which has characteristics of research , subjectiveness , opening and interaction , etc “研究”是它的内核, “提高能力”是它的目标,它强调教师研究式地“教” ,学员研究式地“学” ,具有研究性、主体性、开放性、互动性等特点。 |
| 9. | Behind this rush of new technology are a number of advances that make it possible to boost the capabilities of existing copper telephone wiring and upgrade cable tv networks for two - way high - speed interactive traffic 在这场新技术热的背后是多种技术进步,能使现有的铜电话线提高能力和改进有线电视网,传送双向的高速交互信息流。 |