| 1. | There are many fresh flowers in the vase 花瓶中插满了美丽的花儿。 |
| 2. | The cushion was stuck full of pins 针插上插满了针 |
| 3. | Tubes all in my face and my chest 身上插满管子 |
| 4. | Tubes all in my face and my chest 身上插满管子 |
| 5. | The whole underside of the plane was gone , the tires were all melted and by the grace of god he survived 他说,一些火车爆炸的碎片插满机翼和机尾,飞机的底部都毁了,轮胎熔掉了。 |
| 6. | A large vase of japan porcelain , filled with flowers that loaded the air with their perfume , stood in the salon 客厅里放着一只日本出品的大瓷花瓶,瓶里插满了花,使空气里充满了花香。 |
| 7. | There was a good brussels carpet on the floor , rich in dull red and lemon shades , and representing large jardinieres filled with gorgeous , impossible flowers 地上铺着漂亮的布鲁塞尔地毯,暗红配淡黄的鲜艳底色上织着插满奇花异卉的大花瓶图案。 |
| 8. | It was rebuilt in 1986 in the song dynasty style and reopened in 1990 . the exterior of the tower resembles an ancient city wall displaying war banners , flags and weapons of the song dynasty 楼外的宋代古城墙,城垛上插满宋代战旗、幡旗及古兵器,为肇庆新辟的古城旅游区。 |
| 9. | Taking a handful of these , she arranged them along the lines of the scarlet letter that decorated the maternal bosom , to which the burrs , as their nature was , tenaciously adhered 她摘了满满一把之后,便在缀在母亲胸前的红字周围,沿着笔画一一插满,这些带刺的牛蒡便牢牢地扎在上面了。 |
| 10. | During the mid - autumn lantern celebration the full moon lights up an evening filled with happy families bearing candle - lit lanterns in parks , beaches and on high ground . not to be missed is a dance by an incense - studded fire dragon in tai hang 动态一点的节目,有大坑舞火一连三个晚上,这条插满线香的火在区内大街小巷舞动翻腾,令人叹为观止。 |