Quality as a source of empowerment 在第四届上海国际质量研讨会上的演讲摘译
Haffner sm , kennedy e , gonzalez c , et al . a prospective analysis of the homa model . the mexico city diabetes study . diabetes care , 1996 , 19 : 1138 钱荣立摘译.关于糖尿病的新诊断标准与分型.中国糖尿病杂志, 2000 , 8 : 5
I am particularly impressed at china s willingness to play an active role in these discussions , and i congratulate china for playing such an active role 此外,鲍威尔在讲话中还特别谈到近年来美中关系的现状。下面是鲍威尔讲话中有关美中关系问题的摘译:
Let me briefly highlight just a few of the enforcement training activities we have recently undertaken . in cooperation with the wipo , uspto conducts a semi - annual " academy of enforcement of intellectual property rights , " which has provided training for customs , judicial and law enforcement officials from countries ranging from albania to zimbabwe (摘译开始)詹姆斯?罗根: “主席先生,诚如大家所知,在知识产权受到侵犯的问题上,我们最关注的地区之一便是亚洲,尤其是中国。随着因特网渗透能力快速提高,