| 1. | Publishing books by robert lewis shayon , the radio and television pioneer -国家级大型文学出版社。文教中心新书介绍与预告。 |
| 2. | A small press " specializing in existentialism , humanism , and emotional introspection . 国家级大型文学出版社。文教中心新书介绍与预告。 |
| 3. | Wang furen . a guide to modern chinese culture . beijing : people ' s literature press , 2004 王富仁: 《中国现代文化指掌图》 。北京:人民文学出版社, 2004年。 |
| 4. | Tiutchev . selected poetry of tiutchev . trans . zha liangzheng . beijing : foreign literature publishing house , 1985 丘特切夫: 《丘特切夫诗选》 ,查良铮译。北京:外国文学出版社, 1985年。 |
| 5. | Plaks , andrew h . archetype and allegory in the dream of the red chamber . princeton : princeton university press , 1976 曹雪芹、高鹗《红楼梦》 (以庚辰本为底本) 。北京:北京人民文学出版社, 1988年。 |
| 6. | The people ' s literature publishing house plans to launch the official chinese version of the new book oct . 15 , the beijing daily messenger newspaper reported sunday 人民文学出版社在北京日报上说了中文版的哈利波特在10月15日发行。 |
| 7. | [ jin yana , liu kun and zhang he , et al . fullness in nihility : religious consciousness in russian literature . beijing : people ' s literature publishing house , 2003 金亚娜刘锟张鹤等: 《充盈的虚无?俄罗斯文学中的宗教意识》 .北京:人民文学出版社, 2003年 |
| 8. | " chinese fans have been posting unauthorized translations of the book on the internet , but the chinese language publisher says it has no right to stop them . "中国的哈迷已经在网上发表了非官方翻译的新书,但人民文学出版社称他们没有权力禁止这一行为。 |
| 9. | Woman ' s discovery was published on " flying " primarily , later was selected on " annual poems of 1986 " , which was edited by shikan publisher and was published by the people ' s literature publishing house and won several awards from the city government 其中《一个女人的发现》原发《飞天》 ,后入选诗刊社编辑、人民文学出版社出版的《 1986年诗选》 ,并多次荣获市政府等奖。 |
| 10. | A woman ' s discovery was published on " flying " primarily , later was selected on " annual poems of 1986 " , which was edited by shikan publisher and was published by the people ' s literature publishing house and won several awards from the city government 其中《一个女人的发现》原发《飞天》 ,后入选诗刊社编辑、人民文学出版社出版的《 1986年诗选》 ,并多次荣获市政府等奖。 |