| 1. | ( his ) income is increasing day by day . 收入日见增加。 |
| 2. | His prosperity is on the decline . 他的好光景日见衰败。 |
| 3. | I doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs . 我不怀疑历来都有个日见充实的理想。 |
| 4. | One after another, the academic formalities in his class dropped away . 他的课堂内的礼节日见减少。 |
| 5. | Speech training may easily lead to an increasing immuration of the individual . 言语训练易给受训者带来日见增多个性的束缚。 |
| 6. | He would worry frequently that his subordinates were slacking off and the work was becoming sloppy . 他常常为下属日见懈怠,工作日渐潦草而发急。 |
| 7. | The associative current gathered strength during the first half-century of national independence . 在国家独立后最早的五十年中,结社的潮流日见有力。 |
| 8. | Her punishment accumulated; she continued to bear it, however, with a good deal of superficial fortitude . 她受的折磨日见严重,但她还是忍受着,表面上还是一副坚不可摧的样子。 |
| 9. | Society's growing concern with the quality of the food supply helped to weaken the "let alone" theory of government . 社会对于食物供应的质地日见关心,削弱了政府的“听其自然”的理论。 |
| 10. | Rather than being depleted, world oil reserves have continuously increased under the stimulus of increasing oil consumption . 在日益增长的石油消费刺激下,世界石油蕴藏量持续增加,而并非日见枯竭。 |