At the end of the room , in front of the bar , a man with a huge corporation was drinking a glass of fruit syrup 在屋子的尽头,一个大腹便便的男人在一张台子前喝一杯果子露。
At this moment two women entered , bringing salvers filled with ices and sherbet , which they placed on two small tables appropriated to that purpose 这时两个女人每人端着一只茶盘进来,茶盘里放着冰块和果子露,他们把茶盘放在两只特制的小桌子上。
The filler can accurately fill drink not containing gas , such as white spirit , wine , fruit juice and fruit syrum . it can also fill other liquld such as vinegar , milk and pesticide 24型负压灌装机能够准确地灌装白酒、色酒、果汁、果子露等不含气饮料,也能对醋、奶、农药等液体进行灌装。
On the tray there were liqueurs , herb - brandy , mushrooms , biscuits of rye flour made with buttermilk , honey in the comb , foaming mead made from honey , apples , nuts raw and nuts baked , and nuts preserved in honey 托盘里摆着草浸酒果子露酒腌蘑菇乳清黑麦饼鲜蜜煮熟的丝丝响着冒气的蜂蜜苹果生核桃炒核桃和蜜饯核桃。