| 1. | Electrolysis is also used to plate one metal on another . 电解也用于将一种金属电镀在另一种金属上。 |
| 2. | Another source of industrial oxygen is obtained by the electrolysis of water . 工业用氧的另一来源是由水的电解制取。 |
| 3. | So far we have only demonstrated that the mean charge in electrolysis is quantized . 到目前为止,我们只验证了电解中的平均电行是量子化的。 |
| 4. | A large part of the current will short-circuit these grains by passing through the electrolyte of the rock . 大部分电流只从岩石中的电解液通过而短路掉这些颗粒。 |
| 5. | A patent was recently issued, for a system which will remove color from a textile waste stream by electrolysis . 最近发表的专利就是用电解法去除纺织废水中色度的系统。 |
| 6. | The use of the electrolytic treatment alone can not be carried out in actual practice because of the violent frothing that occurs . 单独用电解处理,由于产生大量的泡沫,实际上使电解不能进行。 |
| 7. | The elevtrolyte would also be changed by the electroplating process and would cause the pickoff to give erroneous results . 在电镀过程中,电解液也将随着改变,从而会使信号传感器给出错误的结果来。 |
| 8. | Cyanide reductions to only 695-750 mg/l have been reported, before heavy scaling at the anode prevented further electrolysis . 据报道,在阴极大量结垢妨碍进一步电解之前,氰化物仅降到695-750毫克升。 |
| 9. | A new process has been reported recently, which purports to make electrolytic treatment of dilute copper cyanide solutions economically attractive . 最近报道了一个新的方法,意欲使电解处理稀氰化铜溶液在经济上更吸引人。 |
| 10. | Electrolytic methods of waste treatment must be examined more closely as a means of removing the refractory chemicals present in the textile waste streams . 作为清除纺织业废水水流中的不易溶化学成份的一种手段,更应研究废水处理的电解方法。 |