| 1. | His painting of people attained a level never known before . 他的人物画在当时可谓登峰造极。 |
| 2. | She was on the peak that sunday afternoon when she played in chapel . 那个星期天的下午,她在小教堂的演出,可以说是登峰造极。 |
| 3. | Max seemed to have attained the pinnacle of german espionage in world war ii . “马克斯”似乎取得了德国在第二次世界大战间谍活动中登峰造极的成就。 |
| 4. | Her final and ultimatum of contempt consisted in a very emphatic pronunciation of the word "shiftless" . 当她加重语气说“没有办法”时,就是表示她登峰造极的蔑视。 |
| 5. | In nothing had she approached the degree of excellence which she would have been glad to command, and ought not to have failed of . 没有一样登峰造极,那本是她乐意达到的,而且她并不是不可能达到。 |
| 6. | He is thoroughly accomplished in painting 他在绘画艺术方面已是登峰造极的了。 |
| 7. | Chaplin was at his best playing the little tramp 卓别林扮演小流浪汉已达到登峰造极的境界。 |
| 8. | It was like bells rippling up and up to a culmination 那好象是是钟声一样,一波一波地登峰造极。 |
| 9. | 2cd vcd pack , featuring more than 30 classics of sammi 2cd vcd套装,收录郑秀文30多首登峰造极hit歌 |
| 10. | Tom decided that he could be independent of becky thatcher now 这时,他们的神气劲达得了登峰造极的地步。 |