| 1. | Space relative humidity will seldem exceed 40% . 室内相对湿度很少有高于40的。 |
| 2. | Usually relative humidity is expressed as a percentage . 相对湿度通常用百分数表示。 |
| 3. | The relative humidity is expressed as a decimal or a percentage . 相对湿度以小数或百分数表示。 |
| 4. | The relative humidity corresponding to any pair of wet-and dry-bulb temperatures is read from tables . 与每一对干湿泡温度相对应的相对湿度值可从表上查得。 |
| 5. | When the relative humidity in the atmosphere reaches and exceeds 100%, cloud or fog formation begins to occur . 当大气中的相对湿度达到和超过100%时,云或雾开始形成。 |
| 6. | If the environmental relative humidity is lower, the drop will undergo evaporation and solute concentration will rise . 如果环境相对湿度较低,则液滴将蒸发,溶质的浓度也随之提高。 |
| 7. | When two parcels of air with different initial temperatures are mixed, the result is a mixture with a higher relative humidity . 当初始温度不同的二个气块混合时,结果是形成一个具有较高相对湿度的混合物 |
| 8. | What is the average daily relative humidity of singapore 新加坡日平均相对湿度是多少 |
| 9. | Relative humidity tables for environmental test 环境试验用相对湿度查算表 |
| 10. | Relative humidity is expressed as percentage 相对湿度采用百分数表示。 |