I guess my eyes are bigger than my stomach 我觉得饭菜点得太多了,我是眼馋肚饱呀。
I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach 我就是眼馋,已经吃不下了。
Everybody looked hungry at it , and licked their chops 大伙儿一个个眼馋得不知道怎样才好,并且使劲舔嘴唇。
I coveted a cake of bread 我对一块面包很眼馋。
If i see a nice big cake , i want to eat it . oh , i ' m just so big - eyed 如果我看到一只漂亮的大蛋糕,就想把它吃掉。啊,我实在太眼馋了。
" your eyes are bigger than your stomach , " father told annie when she tried to get another helping 当安妮还想再去拿一份食物时,父亲便对她说: "你真是眼馋肚子饱。
Mama called the youngsters to our door , where they stared greedily at a pot of steaming homemade soup she was making for supper 她把他们叫到门前,桌上有妈妈为晚饭做的一锅热气腾腾的肉汤,他们眼馋地盯着。
Under the influence of perverse impulse they had made up a party to come to laure s - whom , by the by , they all treated with great familiarity - to eat the three - franc dinner while flashing their jewels of great price in the jealous and astonished eyes of poor , bedraggled prostitutes 她们受一种反常心态的驱使,想炫耀一下身上戴着的价值数十万法郎的珠宝首饰,才来这里吃每人三法郎的晚饭,好让那些身上脏兮兮的可怜的女孩子见了既惊讶又眼馋。