gratitude for receiving help and encouragement by a superior; gratitude for having found a patron or superior appreciative of one's ability; the debt one owes to sb. for being well understood and treated
Example Sentences:
Don ' t forget , a person ' s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated 莫忘记,人类情感上最大的需要是知遇之恩。
Wang xiaoshi had once benefited from the kindness of the head of the golden wind and drizzling rain building su mengzhen , and had become sworn brothers with both su and his deputy 王小石受过“金风细雨楼”楼主苏梦枕知遇之恩,而且他和正副楼主都有结拜之义。
Francesc fabregas cannot reaffirm his admiration for arsenal manager ars ne wenger enough . the former barcelona midfielder is keen to repay the faith wenger has shown in him 法布雷加斯重申对阿森纳主教练温格的钦佩。这位前巴塞罗那中场球员期望报答温格对他的知遇之恩。
I urge company for giving me a chance to become a member of the you , i will be tremendous enthusiasm and hard work in return for your autobiography , and very happy to cooperate with future colleagues , dedication to our common cause of all the sincere talent 我恳请贵单位给我一个机会,让我成为你们中的一员,我将以无比的热情和勤奋的工作回报您的知遇之恩,并非常乐意与未来的同事合作,为我们共同的事业奉献全部的真诚的才智!