| 1. | But as time passed , men observed a want of gaiety in the once sparkling musides 但随着时间的流逝,人们开始注意到穆赛德斯脸上失去了曾经的快乐表情。 |
| 2. | Not from each other did kalos and musides conceal their work , but the sight was for them alone 喀洛斯和穆赛德斯彼此并不隐瞒自己的作业,但也仅限于他们自己才能观看。 |
| 3. | At night , as of yore , musides sought the banquet halls of tegea whilst kalos wandered alone in the olive grove 就像往常一样,穆赛德斯每天晚上到忒格亚去寻欢作乐,而喀洛斯则独自在橄榄林中徘徊。 |
| 4. | Many months passed yet in the sour face of musides came nothing of the sharp expectancy which the situation should arouse 然而好几个月过去了,对胜利的憧憬和期望仍然没有回到穆赛德斯那整日阴沉的面孔上。 |
| 5. | As many visitors came to view the prodigious tree , as to admire the art of the sculptor , so that musides was seldom alone 由于很多人过来观看这棵巨树以及赞美雕塑家的杰出艺术品,穆赛德斯失去了独处的时间。 |
| 6. | Many years ago , when the hillside villa was new and resplendent , there dwelt within it the two sculptors kalos and musides 很多年以前,当这个半山古厦还灯火辉映、富丽堂皇的岁月里,在里面住着两个雕塑家:喀洛斯和穆赛德斯。 |
| 7. | They talked of their illustrious tyrant , and of the splendour of his capital and exulted in the glory of the statue which musides had wrought for him 他们谈到他们杰出的国君,谈到他都城的显赫,以及是如何因穆赛德斯为他所打造的雕像而雀跃。 |
| 8. | All men paid homage to kalos and musides , and marvelled that no shadow of artistic jealousy cooled the warmth of their brotherly friendship 每个人都对喀洛斯和穆赛德斯致以无上的敬意,而且惊异于没有任何嫉妒的阴影冷却他们俩之间兄弟般的友情。 |
| 9. | Three years after the death of kalos , musides despatched a messenger to the tyrant , and it was whispered in the agora at tegea that the mighty statue was finished 喀洛斯死后三年过去了,穆赛德斯向国王派遣了使者,而忒格亚集市上则有传言说那座伟大的雕像已经完成了。 |
| 10. | It was definitely known that they had come to bear away the great image of tyche and bring eternal honour to musides , so their reception by the proxenoi was of great warmth 市民们都知道他们前来是为了去取走那件伟大的堤喀女神,并且为穆赛德斯带去永恒的荣耀,因此召开了盛大的招待酒会。 |