Among other incidents , the geomagnetic storm caused a japanese communications satellite to shut down temporarily 在纭纭受影响的事件中,地磁暴使日本的一枚通讯卫星短暂停止运作。
Among other incidents , the geomagnetic storm caused a japanese communications satellite to shut down temporarily 在纭纭受影响的事件中,地磁暴使日本的一枚通讯卫星短暂停止运作。
The distubance of the soul cannot be ended nor ture joy created either by the possession of greatest wealth or by honor and respect in the eyes of the mob or by anything else that is associated with causes of unlimitted desires 无论是拥有巨额财富,还是荣誉,还是纭纭众生的仰慕,或任何其他导致无穷欲望的身外之物,读无法了结心灵的烦扰,更不能带来真正的快乐。