| 1. | He could identify with connally . 他还是能与康纳利找到一些共同点的。 |
| 2. | Connally sought to cow opposition while nixon's strategy was to outmaneuver it . 康纳利极力想把对方吓倒,而尼克松的方针是以谋略制胜。 |
| 3. | Connally's swaggering self-assurance fulfilled nixon's image of how a leader should act . 康纳利狂妄自大,正符合尼克松心目中一个领导人应有的举止。 |
| 4. | I suspect that the difference was not in the existence of insecurities but in the way connally and nixon handle them . 我看这两个人的不同之处倒不在于谁有惶惶不安之感,而在于康纳利与尼克松应付惶惶不安的方式各有不同。 |
| 5. | Impressions of the east : the art of george chinnery 《东方印象:钱纳利绘画展》 |
| 6. | Hey ! sorry . connelly ' s septic tank broke again 嘿,对不起。康纳利的化粪池又坏了 |
| 7. | Mrs , mrs mcnally , c0uld y0u get s0me light 夫人,麦克纳利夫人您能给点亮光吗? |
| 8. | Mrs . mcnally . y0u had said that y0u ' d c00perate 麦克纳利夫人.您说过您会配合的 |
| 9. | Y 0u kn0w . mrs . mcnally , i wish i c0uld sing 您知道,麦克纳利夫人,我希望我能唱 |
| 10. | G00d m0rning , mrs . mcnally . and h0w are y0u t0day 早安,麦克纳利夫人,今天您好吗? |